🎮 /bed ➡️ to return to location of your bed🎮/return ➡️ to return to location before teleport
🎮/vote ➡️ to vote for server (reward available)
🎮/claim ➡️ to claim items purchased from shop
🎮/day7 ➡️ to check when is horde night
🎮/help ➡️ to see the list of commands available
🎮/lobby ➡️ to go to lobby
🎮/gimme ➡️ gives you free random item
🎮/stuck ➡️ did you get stucked? try this command
🎮/settele [name] ➡️ save a location based teleport.
🎮/tele [name] ➡️ teleport to the saved location
🎮/removetele [name] ➡️ delete a saved location
🎮/bank ➡️ bank in your Duke casino tokens (this will convert the Duke coins to Jingles which can be used for purchasing items at the web shop)
🎮/bal ➡️ check your Jingle balance
🎮/pay [player name] ➡️ to pay someone using Jingles
🎮/calladmin [message] ➡️ Send message to the admins. Only use report issues such as hackers, in-game bugs, or anything serious.
🎮/fps ➡️ check FPS
🎮/north, /south, /east, /west ➡️ teleport you to the specific direction of the map
🎮/pvp ➡️ this will teleport to a random spawn point in PVP zones
🎮/fogon /fogoff ➡️ turns fog off or on
🎮/get bike ➡️ You may use this command if you lost your bike
🎮/get motorcycle ➡️ You may use this command if you lost your motorcycle
🎮/get gyrocopter ➡️ You may use this command if you lost your gyrocopter